We do what we have to do in order to do what we want to do.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

رمضان کریم

Recite Qur'an
Ramadan 9th Month of the Arabic Calender is considered as a boon of the year from Allah to his mankind. In this month Muslims practice fasting ( abstaining from every type of food and drinks ) between the hours of sunrise to sunset, Good manners and atop both of them Prayers. As there are Five Pillars for Faith in Islam Fasting is one of them : 
1)- Shahada ( to avow the acceptance of Islam ) 
2)- Salat ( to pray Allah five times a day ) 
3)- Fast (abstaining from every type of food and  drinks ) 
 4)- Hajj to make a pilgrimage to Makkah ) 
5)- Zakat ( to give assured amount of charity in order to purify your savings ).
Makkah ( the holy city and home of Allah)

So , In Ramadan Muslims basically learn the self-control. They imbibe the pure ways of having control on their hunger , self-effacing from bad habits and taboo sexual relations. Allah let open the doors of Heaven ( Blessings ) specifically in this month for those who Pray and Plead to Allah for their betterment and righteousness. Every mature Muslim girl and boy has to fast necessarily. In order to get more blessed by Allah, Muslims recite Qur'an and offer intense prayers to Allah.

( Salat )
Ramadan the Holy Month of Blessings
Ramadan is so called the only month in which Muslims never care for their sleep or sometimes nutrition they are probably buried in prayers and In essence , It is not a child's play to change your routine in a sudden. To make prayers more effective people need some practice and if some days before Ramadan turns up, we practice of less sleep , control on our tongue and in some ways eating limited we can admittedly experience the Holy Month Ramadan in its finest way.

Have a joyous and pietistic Ramadan. Godspeed to Muslims!!

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