We do what we have to do in order to do what we want to do.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

When I'll See You Again (Poem)

And there I came for you
Was nervous- asking cope how-to?

You came, and waved your hand
With what my nervousness was banned

That it felt so mixed up
So as with tears and smiles I tuned up

I cried and smiled at a moment
& with pleasure your heart was pregnant

What was that? I don’t know
But it was a sun ray in frosty snow

While it was my inner feeling
Was warm inside but blood was clotting

I was grinning to see you again
& was cheering to see you free-Goodman

And crying for the past
A past which led a present in contrast

It was a vast minute
In that minute, my all sorrows were cut

That I started celebrating it,
Celebrating, before it happened.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Serving Poeple Typically

We all should always learn a single thing utmost, it is to be Helpful. The creator of this universe loves his creation and ALLAH always helps his formation of human beings, animals and plant life and all those additional natural stuff we observe in our every day life. Certainly the human which is the best making by our Lord is most helped. You see, that in this terrific globe we are blessed with a portion of soil to survive quietly and we are blessed with water to drink, to clean ourselves with the help of it and to water seeds which are sowed in soil so that we should consume vegetables and fruits or animals should eat plants to get fit and muscular and then we should hunt them. The universal thing we find out from our Creator at initial point is to facilitate others as he helps humans by giving them sense of humor, he helps animals by giving them intelligence of self-protection and of hunting and he helps plants by making them able to create their foodstuff themselves with his own creation of sun, photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and glucose and so far more is left to talk about His supportive nature.

The people who do work alike ALLAH that means to help out others are the factual victorious persons. Our Creator be grateful for and blesses the people who help His humankind. The act of helping the deprived humans is considered the greatest in front of ALLAH. No matter you help out somebody by spending millions on them or by speaking and writing a few good words, it has got immense rewards.

Ø  Great many great personalities have helped by revolutionizing nations, by encouraging them to fight for their rights and such noticeable models are as Prophet Muhammad (May ALLAH peace be upon him), Imam Ali (A.S), Imam Hussein (A.S), King Martin Luther, King Akbar-e-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Chi Guevara and listing is never-ending.

Ø  The world of science has developed terribly vast in last 100 years, because of the various extraordinary people used their brains and helped us understanding this world in vivid means. Such helpful people were as Sir Isaac Newton, Socrates, Jabir-Bin-Hayyan, Jonas Salk, Charles Darwin and helping people are a lot more left to talk about.

Ø  Helping was never done by merely warfare or discovering, but there were some people who are remembered till today, who toiled uniquely not by sword or any chemical but with pens. And so the famous pen names are as William Shakespeare, Pablo Neruda, Dr. Seuss, Mirza Assadullah Ghalib & Allama Iqbal were just a few names but this list of writers has been in fact influential in cheering and helping the people to roll on exact pathways.

These were the people who made histories of doing works and assistance distinctively and untiringly. The actual topic of mine is to lend a hand but in a unique way. Believe! These scientists, leaders and writers were the people who offered their professions in new traditions and overwhelmed the entire planet with their talents. Just ask yourself? Did they do the similar effort that we do or observe our elders doing? Respond is no, because these celebrities were matchless and they understood well that if they will not do their jobs in distinct ways how will they attract people towards them and help them? This life’s authentic diagram is to be helpful for others simply. ‘A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives’ Jakie Robinson quotes the same philosophy that I have been talking about.

Feeling responsible for the whole humanity is healthy to produce a helping awareness within you. And when you become helpful and a complete source of happiness and relief for others that is your internal prosperity which is far worthy from gold bars, cash, or some land. And so make this very first aim of life that you have to be helpful for every person out there, whether you are in whatsoever condition but you have to keep toiling to help others and make them happy. No names of man remain in this very world, until and unless he had made superior deeds for mankind and the names of helpers are always remembered, honored and written miraculously. 


Saturday, 3 November 2012

We Love Technology Do You?

  Technology Is the Best policy!
The above written lines must have been new to you but not for me, I have been observing on this topic since my childhood and now, when finally I reached to an absolute answer I decided to share it with you guys. As we all know that Humans have more power than technology as it lights an obvious answer that technology itself is the greatest invention and achievement of a human. Technology can not win a human mentally but it wins when we are comparing humans with its physical powers like as if you wish to have a pizza in just 30 mins you can have but it reaches your home before some processes like you call for the home delivery through phone ( technology ) then it is cooked in an oven ( technology) then it is sealed in a box properly through machines ( technology ) it reaches your home through a bike ( technology ) then afterward if you live in flats it reaches your home through lifts ( technology ). So you see, technology is totally mixed up in our daily routine/lives. We can not live without technology. My aim to write here is just that a man can not survive without technology. The word technology means techs of doing something in a tastic way and techs are just to make something shorter or these are shortcuts.
Now you must have understood the technology and its need in our daily lives. Let us come to the topic TECHNOLOGY IS THE BEST POLICY. How I say this lays an elongated and illimitable answer. If we will not follow technology we will move back directly to the stone-age from where the need of technology was birthed. If I have to go to party and I’m late and if my clothes are not washed and I’m not supposed to wash them at that moment and then let them dry in air , it will take 3 hours and if I will be having a washing machine with dryer I won’t be facing any problem and my clothes would be ready in just 30 mins.
This is my first blog here hope you liked it and please please comment either to liked it or not.

My Classic Class

Though I take two classes in a day but this time I am going to talk 'School Class'. In English, 'Nothing's Perfect' they believe. But, I , so differently believe 'Everything's Perfect' the only to be done is to Deck out that a little. I might be having a dreadful image in your mind because my thing is so change, so different. I consider my class so perfect because none can have anything which can provide you every taste but my class has so. In my class I can see an intelligent to a duffer, a confident guy but does nothing, I- want to show off my talent but often do anything with confidence, She-my best friend has a thirst to do something great and she is actually herself great but she doesn't seems to be showing off her talent, a guy we call him '32' always has an ear to ear smile on his face and he is with no worries of anything as I see he as no future. To be honest these were just a few names besides that in my class every body is 'Funkaar'.

Well the Classic Class isn't really awesome in look wise. We had a white-board some centuries ago I predict  unfortunately now we have green board all we have to tolerate is the  dust of chalk. The class itself is really wide it has four broad windows. The colour from the walls also gets off often. But appearance really doesn't matters perhaps we requested a lot for a new class but listeners are deaf I guess.

Have A Method In Your Madness

 My Internal body was working normally or maybe pretending to be so until and unless I got dual pain in my stomach and throat.  The pain was still affordable to pass on the whole day so I did not take it as a matter of course. When the darkness scattered in the sky I took place in my bed very slowly because of pain. almost half of the night passed, it was about 4 am, I felt such a great severe pain in my stomach. Now the problem took revenge unlucky I wasn't even able to walk cause of pain besides that my throat-ache was still same and I could not talk even. The next morning it was big Mathematics test, for instance I thought, if I would not be going to school today morning I'd be wrecked up and my teacher will not forgive me too neither he will listen my excuse. The situation got even worse. Soon I realized I can not stand whole night with this pain so I turned on the lights slackly and reached the medicine box and there were no tablets to kill my pain and I was cursing myself like 'Oh! God dammit now what next?' But still I didn't disturb my parents from sleep because I didn't want them to bother. I thought I can do better myself. I kept on searching half an hour for medicines, got nothing. I became so upset at that arrow of time and if anyone would be coming in front of me he/she could have been knocked down.

Finally morning arrived, I was still awake but lying on my bed to get some relaxation. Fortunately now I was pretty fine. I wasn't feeling that terrible pain and I was able to talk with not any difficult. And I was extremely happy thinking 'now I can give my test peacefully.....phew!' 

Again another interesting turn comes here. Actually I got from my bed really late and started to get ready in a slow motion. The moment I glanced at clock there and then I rushed to get ready as early as I can  because I was so late and I had to do some practice of my test too. In this whole rushing scene I didn't get time to do practice neither to inform about my pain to my 'doctor' father because I already too late.

I could not help grimacing when the pain got even worse after getting on to the school but I became hard as nail to bear the pain, still thinking 'I can handle things better myself' and the was the biggest mistake I ever did so, because if I had informed my parents at the beginning point I would not be digesting such great pain. As this whole scene emphasized me to write a quote 'Do not think when, solve the problem there and then'.

Coming back from school I finally informed my father, he bought me some painkillers(medicines) I had them and took a nap. When I got up the pain was implausibly vanished. And my brain just did that 'I can handle things better myself'.

رمضان کریم

Recite Qur'an
Ramadan 9th Month of the Arabic Calender is considered as a boon of the year from Allah to his mankind. In this month Muslims practice fasting ( abstaining from every type of food and drinks ) between the hours of sunrise to sunset, Good manners and atop both of them Prayers. As there are Five Pillars for Faith in Islam Fasting is one of them : 
1)- Shahada ( to avow the acceptance of Islam ) 
2)- Salat ( to pray Allah five times a day ) 
3)- Fast (abstaining from every type of food and  drinks ) 
 4)- Hajj to make a pilgrimage to Makkah ) 
5)- Zakat ( to give assured amount of charity in order to purify your savings ).
Makkah ( the holy city and home of Allah)

So , In Ramadan Muslims basically learn the self-control. They imbibe the pure ways of having control on their hunger , self-effacing from bad habits and taboo sexual relations. Allah let open the doors of Heaven ( Blessings ) specifically in this month for those who Pray and Plead to Allah for their betterment and righteousness. Every mature Muslim girl and boy has to fast necessarily. In order to get more blessed by Allah, Muslims recite Qur'an and offer intense prayers to Allah.

( Salat )
Ramadan the Holy Month of Blessings
Ramadan is so called the only month in which Muslims never care for their sleep or sometimes nutrition they are probably buried in prayers and In essence , It is not a child's play to change your routine in a sudden. To make prayers more effective people need some practice and if some days before Ramadan turns up, we practice of less sleep , control on our tongue and in some ways eating limited we can admittedly experience the Holy Month Ramadan in its finest way.

Have a joyous and pietistic Ramadan. Godspeed to Muslims!!

Have A Method In Your Madness

The word 'madness' itself lays a great science. This work is enriched with its tremendous opposite meanings. The word 'madness' can be defined as loosing temper or getting angry on something/somebody. But most probably when listening to this word the first meaning that clicks our mind is mentally retarded/ abused/ disturbed. Apart from high ( extreme ) state of mind , it has a reflection to word craze too. The craze can be positive or negative. Like often people are offended from somebody/something that they never miss a single shot to pull the legs of , so this is what? The negative craze. As 'majnu' was crazy for 'laila' , 'Shakespeare' was crazy for 'writing' , 'Hitler' was crazy for 'ruling' and yet the craziest list is illimitable. They say, Mad in literature is genius. If any man is above or very low the normal level then yeah! not me or you but people will state him mad. The extra-ordinaries or coming to the national level we often come to see 'Buzrigs' ( elderly well-educated and experienced people ) are called mad in their respected societies or social circles , because their thinking or philosophies are beyond the limitations of a normal brain like me. Let me give a little example to clear my point further. There was a Buzrig ( saint ) once going to his way through the bridge. He came to see a man sitting near lake with tons of books with him. Buzrig asked 'What are you doing?' The boy said 'I've memorised all of these books.' The Buzrig with a smile as his reply gave to the guy and carried the books and threw them in the lake. The boy cried 'What are you doing?' 'You can't understand it' said the Buzrig. Then the Buzrig pulled out those books which were just like before , not wet. The boy astonishingly asked 'What was that now?' The Buzrig said 'You can't understand it.' So you see this was also a madness cause it is beyond the understanding of a normal person. Excessive keenness is also one of the meaning of madness. Loving or liking somebody or something to an extent is something which everybody has in the form of their hobbies , interests and some do jobs too. But excessive keenness is what everybody doesn't possess , a very small number of people have it and in limited things. Let me give you an example from Qur'an's verses in my own words. Hazrat Ibrahim A.S was pressurised by many of the people to have faith in Namrud The king as god. Now the people who were devotees of Namrud were having excessive keenness to him. Besides the point , Hazrat Ibrahim A.S who was filled in love of the real God also had a specific keenness to God that He could give his life but not faith to Namrud. When people have excessive keenness to individual things they naturally adopt high techs in those things. Let suppose excessive keenness as E.K. Leonardo DA Vince had E.K for painting. Benazir Bhutoo has E.K to work for Pakistan and make it prosperous. Severn Suzuki has a great E.K to secure the world and eradicate global problems. Michael Jackson had E.K to sing pop and dance hip-hop. And I am feeling E.K to get my piece published in Smash. Yet we all should have E.K in different things but positive once in this way we'll be masters in our interests.

Now the question comes How can we have a method in our madness? or I should say How can we have a method in our Anger? Prophet Muhammad ( May Allah bless Him And Peace Be Upon Him ) also had a specific way to show his anger to anybody. He used to face-away from the person he was angry with. But yet our Islam has enlightened on several points that can prevent anger , as , drink a glass of water if you are feeling angry. Sit down if you're standing. Lie down on any surface ( bed ) if you are sitting. Or if all of these do not work leave the place where you are for time being. In many books it is mentioned that if you feel angry offer wudu . I always prefer giving a glass of cold water to anyone angry cause it is helpful to cool down any hot tempered body. but above all of these we should also learn the right use of anger. 1) Using the anger on right person. For example if I had a fight with my sister before school , then I am nary supposed to burst on friends or misbehave with my teacher. 2) Using your anger on right time is pretty notable. Is does not make any sense that anybody is hitting you today for a cause that you hit him or her ten days ago. 3) Using your anger to an extent is somehow the most important thing I consider , because you have to keep some balance on your anger. You can not scold and beat a child because he tore a blank paper but you have to teach him and speak some gentle strict works and that will be a good extent.

When I was 8 , I heard some really dreadful screams outside of home and I rushed to see what is happening. I noticed there were 2 guys fighting , yelling on and abusing each other. They were not even aware of anything but just beating each other. Soon one boy's father came. He started scolding and beating to other boy but not his son. The other guy remained still and very quite. He never shouted or beat back other guy's father. That proves that no matter how much angry you are you can still control you anger. This stage is in your hands its all up to you that how you play the act. Have method in your madness.

Hazrat Khuwaja Shah Mufti Mehmood Alwari A.S

Shrine (Latinscrinium "case or chest for books or papers"; Old Frenchescrin "box or case") is a Holy and deific place which is dedicated to a specific deityancestorheromartyrsaint, daemon or similar figure of awe and respect, at which they are venerated or worshiped. In Pakistan, there are countless widely known and esteemed Shrines of Saintly people, where gillions of people visit and pray for Saints. In our country where people do not have spaces to live often go to shrines and live there as well as working for the tomb which can be easily noticed by visiting any of the famous tomb. In Pakistan, India and Bangladesh where the scene of Shrines is overmuch similar,  the devotees of Saints arrange weekly gatherings specifically on Thursdays where they sing Qawalis, do Ziqr and serve food to poor people.

Now that I am pretty inspired from many people like famous philosophers , politicians , artists , singers and above all of them Saintly people. I'd like to introduce a famous tomb of great Saint in Hyderabad , Sindh. .

      Hazrat Khuwaja Shah Mufti Mehmood Alwari A.S 

                                   ( 1904 - 1981 )

Tomb of Hazrat Mehmood Alwari a.s

Hazrat Mehmood Alwari , known as The Man Of  Islamic Knowledge , was born on Friday Night 1904 at Alwar , the State of India. Hazrat Mehmood Alwari was brought up in a very religious , highly educated and respectable Family. He carried through his early education with the help of his Father , Hazrat Khuwaja Shah Muhammad Ruknuddin Alwari A.S Who himself was a great man. It is well known about his Father Hazrat Shah Muhammad Ruknuddin Alwari A.S that He was so blessed from God , whose one sight could change the insight of a man ( kafir ) and could purify any man into Muslim. Later on , Hazrat Mehmood Alwari A.S came to Kasoor City of Punjab where he spent a lot of years educating and learning Islam and Islamic values. He used to treat patients with medicines and his worthy prayers.

Hazrat Mehmood Alwari A.S 's forefathers  were the sahabih of  Prophet Muhammad ( May Allah Peace Be Upon Him ) with the link of Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari A.S. He traveled several years in different cities learning from Islamic Institutions , Centers and Universities. He was a merciful man that he never ever wanted to live like rich people instead he always preferred living in a simple and reasonable way. After several years of hard work for his knowledge he came to Hyderabad Sindh and he settled an institution ( Madrassa ) namely 'Rukn-ul-Islam Jahamiah Mujdadia' whose degrees were recognized by Sindh University , Shah Latif University and Al-Azhar University ( Egypt ) .

Mosque Near The Holy Shrine of Alwari

He is the author of Book 'Rukn-e-Din' which was a very famous book and was the very first book on Fiqah in Urdu. Besides the point he also wrote many other books too , like , Asayam ( fast ) , Kitab-ul-Haj , Kitab-ul-Zaqwat , Bahar-e-Masnavi , Tafseer-e-Mehmoodi And Amliyat-e-Mehmoodia etc.

Currently , The tomb of Hazrat Mehmood Alwari A.S is situated near Rajputana Hospital , Jamshoro Road , Hyderabad , Sindh. The tomb itself is made in a very attractive way that in night time it gives a look like 'Taj Mehel'. Its all made of Marbles. Just near the tomb there is a mosque too for prayers. The place is so sound and windy. 

Friday, 2 November 2012

Know Yourself

People see people as in high spirit, sometimes heartbreaking or dried up, striving, retarded, sturdy and feeble and unquestionably the views of the people will not stop yet. However the factual flavor of your characters is what no further can taste with the exception of you. It means what you are like? What you wish for? What's your determination? What can you act upon additionally? And what judgement you have got?  What you mentality works for? Yet to identify any person we require to inquire such questions, nevertheless  not when it approaches to you. You are the just person  who can know YOU better and deeper than anyone else. And knowing one's self is a beautiful thing but majority is deprived from that beautiful thing as they try to become someone else, sometimes because they are not confident on their own capabilities and sometimes they are unsighted and just see the fame of people and consider it perfect imitate. If you truly know yourself then why do you attempt to change yourself in face of the community? That is what not a question but exactness that everybody knows but might not confess it because you are in between them right now, my this statement is to those people who do not know themselves, because most of the people change their characters in front of public, they want to be someone else in face of others. And this 'character-changing' happens where there is no satisfaction tranported to the subject, where subject can not find nuts and bolts and maybe desires. The wants of a person, that are continual and might not end even if fulfilled, and if wants never finish you might be shifting your character every now and then, and you might in no way be on familiar   terms with who you are actually?

Carry on reading if you fancy to know yourself.

If you put down your consideration on learning individual’s personality you possibly will find every nature poles apart as north-pole and south-pole and that’s what I label it ‘every man is antithetical’ If every man has a precise and inimitable temperament than every man has dissimilar requirements. The Nature (what you like to consume, imbibe, observe, and play and every verb) is well thought-out to be unchangeable or tough to revolutionize if whichever subject wants to. If you have whatever fad in your nature that is ineffectual or avoidable or difficult to get on with then do not conceal it but change it. But the wide-ranging thing is pretty much change from the exemplified situation, it is like, people have got fine lifestyles and traditions to exist their lives but they do not wish for it since they are stirred from the people of prominence, they want to live closely like them and then they do not breathe their own lives but set up duplicating other people’s livings. I ought to say ‘replicating a replica creates howlers’ be cautious as much as necessary to grip yourself!  And if you begin to carbon copy anybody you’ll never KNOW YOURSELF. That what is your point for being in this world? What do you crave to do? Or even more. But there’ll be NO YOU instead just a soiled imitator.

As far as knowing yourself is concerned, beyond any doubt, it is an understanding and clustering among your soul. To distinguish something it is obligatory to set your mind on its philosophical and truth-seeking traditions. But before that if we speak about the perspective of your life so for that we have to peep in our world of feelings. What nature we have and what taste we have? Are your questions. Ask yourself and know yourself. Still if you find something avoidable, do not avoid it – Do work on it and change it with a way that shows betterment for yourself, your surroundings and somehow it will affect your future and turn it bestowed.

In the end I would quote my favorite author Paulo Coelho’s lines: ‘Beauty is present in all creations, but the danger lies in the fact that we allow ourselves to be influenced what other people think. We deny our own beauty because others can’t or won’t recognize it. We try to imitate what we see around us. We try to be what other people think as ‘pretty’ and little by little, our soul fades. We forget that the world is what we imagine it to be. We stop being the sun and we become, instead, the pool of water reflecting it.’

Monday, 15 October 2012

I Am Travelling Time

Moments abscond and lighten away; they get buried in the wide levels of time at a pinch. But what a dynamic surprise it delivers when we fade ourselves far off with those three winks. I am about to travel the time, and in those timely flakes I will fall in with the changes that will show for ones and for all the indeed and in the flesh, Me. I will cope with inspirations that influenced me and led me to the path I am here and now flowing on. I will make a meet with the folks who drew me wide awaken for what they will demonstrate the verily and just out, Me, who nevermore sleeps. I will meet up the relations that passed out to me deeply felt affection and it will declare the certain and in-breathe Me with invincible courage. I will fore-gather the teachers who swerved me to virtuous way and it will set the actual and in new character, Me who gets fulsome praises. And I will unite with all those well-charismatic personalities who will justify the independent and growing, Me with abundant ideas. I am travelling time…….

The past two years have been a source from where the light of revolution started spotting in my little-less-experienced life. 750 days, not a small figure is that, not an unworthy time is that, this was the time I felt like waking up from a daydream and recognising this world’s each and every thing because I've been here for the first time, it felt like.

‘The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.’’ – Che Guevara
Thus it took me deathless and whale efforts to birth a little glint of change and I believe these mini glints have potency to remodel your fortune and if fortune can be altered then, nature as an issue of fact will be changed according to the necessities of your destiny. And I changed in that fresh age.

I've everlastingly overheard some constant compliments, for that general people not under any condition grow weary of breaking the silence with those words to me and I am enthused and so far get encouraged from such compliments like Creative! You catch things faster! Decent! Stylish as always! Best Dressing! You look younger than your age! (Okay! Its compliment for every girl I guess so as for me) yet the loveliest one is Cute! These are not too many compliments although I listen such things since 2 years or I should pronounce, from the moment I started working on my appearance, academics and personality.

A bit previous I used to be very bashful and fainthearted of whole thing. And I, telling straightforwardly, never ever aspired to have a shy nature alike that and so I engaged in inspecting and spying common people, proximate I revealed the gentle-persons I was supposed to be like and I can not say that I am 100% like them neither I want to be but would like to tell that those people were great who inspired me and somehow with their awesome acts the led me to be good and impressive and away from any shyness. I thank them! 

For my family and amongst my kinfolks I have consistently added up to be scholastic, on the other hand individualistically I not in any way intuited like that because family's consolation is welcome but you always have to toil to be better and while striving for that one should keep this clear in his/her mind that not to get cocksure. As I have faith in a sound quotation which is, 'confidence is the first step towards success, but over-confidence is that last step towards success.' So academically I perked up a lot and I strained terribly for that. I had a faulty accent in English before, I had awful mark-sheets from early years and yet I was not among top-ten bright students' list even. Although just now I have carried on with firm groundwork on English language and still am. I secure A+ grades in my school. 

What a pleading utter is that 'If you can read this, thank a teacher.'

Today whatsoever I am, to be fair and square it is just due to my best parents and first-rate teachers. After all last 2 years was the time I got to know my matchless teachers who really made me something from nothing. And I Thank them ever such a lot. 

In some way one should never fail to remember their own interests and hobbies while working and toiling to make their parents pleased. I mean, having tip-top education and being loyal to seniors is what makes your parents cheery but while doing that we should keep up with our own attractions like I have eternally been keen to drawing and sketching stuff and I never ever regret it due to any other work because I envision that until and unless you keep your interests and hobbies alive you will not ever get irked to be good enough for others. And I have generated a lot of other interesting hobbies like photography, writing poems/essays, reading novels/megs/newspapers/online-blogs and watching movies. 

In last 2 years I've confronted with different sour situations which made me knowledgeable and limber. I came up to get on familiar terms with the real faces of people and doubtlessly it was grievous. What a naked truth is that 'As we grow up we don't lose friends. We just learn who our real ones are.' 

And so I still see a great life in my morrow, almost certainly I've lived an out of-this-world past and am living a zero-cool present. Faraway looking for intelligence : 
'Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.' -Stephen Hawking